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WS 2024/25    


Paradoxes and Counterintuitive Phenomena in Polymer Physics


Experimental Polymer Physics Seminar


Master Laboratory Applied Physics

SS 2024    


Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures


Master Laboratory Applied Physics


Experimental Polymer Physics Seminar


Cellular Self-Organization and Molecular Machines


Frühere Semester      
WS 2023/24 Experimental Polymer Physics Seminar    
SS 2023 Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures Physics of Nano-Biosystems  
WS 2022/23 Polymer Physics    
SS 2022 Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures    
WS 2021/22 Experimental Polymer Physics / Polymer Modeling Fundamentals of Biophysics  
SS 2021 Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures Physical Processes of Self-Assembly and Pattern Formation Physics of Nano-Biosystems
WS 2020/21 Experimentalphysik I
Fundamentals of Biophysics  
SS 2020 Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures Physical Processes of Self-Assembly and Pattern Formation Physics of Nano-Biosystems
WS 2019/20 Experimental Polymer
Physics / Polymer Modeling
Fundamentals of Biophysics  
SS 2019 Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures Physical Processes of Self-Assembly and Pattern Formation Physics of Nano-Biosystems
WS 2018/19 Experimental Polymer Physics / Polymer Modeling

Fundamentals of Biophysics

SS 2018 Experimental Polymer Physics Seminar
WS 2017/18 Experimental Polymer Physics / Polymer Modeling Experimentalphysik I  
SS 2017 Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures Physical Processes of Self-Assembly and Pattern Formation  
WS 2016/17 Experimental Polymer Physics / Polymer Modelling Nonequilibrium Physics - An Introduction X-Ray Analysis: Applications in Material and Life Sciences
SS 2016 Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures Physical Processes of Self- Assembly and Pattern Formation Hydrodynamics
WS 2015/16 Experimental Polymer Physics Physics of Dissipative Patterns - An Introduction X-Ray Analysis: Applications in Material and Life Sciences
SS 2015 Condensed Matter II: Interfaces and Nanostructures Physical Processes of Self-Assembly and Pattern Formation Deformable continua - from elastica & fluids to complex matter
 WS 2014/15 Experimental Polymer Physics    
 SS 2014 Physical Processes of Self-Assembly and Pattern Formation    
 WS 2013/14 Experimental Polymer Physics    
 SS 2013 Physical Processes of Self-Assembly and Pattern Formation    
 WS 2012/13 Materie an Oberflächen    
 SS 2012 Physik der Polymere    
 WS 2011/12 Experimentalphysik I    
 SS 2011 Physik der Polymere Phänomene der Nichtlinearen Dynamik in Experiment und Theorie  
WS 2010/11 Physics of Surfaces    
SS 2010 Self-Assembly and Pattern Formation    
WS 2009/10 Materie an Oberflächen    
SS 2009 Experimentalphysik II    
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