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WS 2019/20 - Experimental Polymer Physics / Polymer Modelling

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Günter Reiter sketch.jpg
Zeit, Ort:   Mo 15:15 - 16:45, SR 3.OG, Physikhochhaus
                Do, Fr 8:15 - 9:45, HS I Physik

Übungen:  Brahim Bessif
                Mi 14 - 16 h, SR 3.OG, Physikhochhaus

Beginn:    21.10.2019





We can't imagine life and technology today without polymers, if you think of materials like PET bottles and PVC, nylon, teflon or rubber. Also in nature biopolymers are ubiquitous, e.g. DNA, proteins or cellulose. This lecture will give an introduction into the experimental and theoretical concepts in understanding and characterisation of polymer systems. Both, applied and material aspects will be discussed - like polymer flow, elastomers and crystalline polymers - as well as present topics of fundamental research, e.g. glass transition, dynamics in confined geometries and self assembly. The lecture will deal with basic theoretical concepts and descriptive experiments. It will start with simple single chain phenomena and step by step develop more complex structures and dynamics of polymer solutions, melts and blends.


Grundvorlesungen und etwas Thermodynamik


  • G. Strobl, The Physics of Polymers
  • Colby & Rubinstein, Polymer Physics
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